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Comprehensive Plan


The Luce County Board of Commissioners, upon the completion of the Luce County Comprehensive Plan by the Planning Commission, formally adopted the Plan on January 10, 2002.  Although not reproduced here in its entirety an introduction is provided below.  For more information or a copy of the Plan please contact our office.


What is a Comprehensive Plan?

  • Assessment of existing conditions and future needs.

  • Guide to Planning Commission, County Commission, other decision-makers.

  • Guide for future land use, traffic circulation, community facilities.

  • Informational Resource.

  • Listing of community goals.

  • Document that considers land uses and factors beyond municipal borders.


Why Plan?

  • Ensure compatibility of different land uses.

  • Provide necessary public utilities and facilities.

  • Provide open spaces and natural resources.

  • Provide safe traffic circulation.

  • Expand economic opportunities.

  • Prepare for new private developments.

  • Guide future development.


The Comprehensive Plan is Not....

  • Permanent - it should be reviewed every 5 to 10 years.

  • Inflexible - it can be amended.

  • A law.

  • A zoning map - it is a guide for future zoning decisions.

  • A basis for property tax assessment.


The Planning Process

The purpose of a community plan is to provide guidance to public and private decision makers with regard to future changes in land use and the allocation of resources.


A comprehensive plan contains information about physical and social features, community facilities, existing land use and economic trends.  The plan identifies key planning issues and then establishes goals and actions to address the issues.  A future land use plan also becomes part of the recommendations section and guides local officials when making future zoning and land development decisions.


The Planning Commission is the body responsible for developing and adopting the comprehensive plan.  It is suggested, but not required, that the County Board of Commissioners also consider adopting the plan.  Amendments to the adopted plan are also the responsibility of the Planning Commission.


The Plan for Luce County was prepared with the assistance of may individuals and groups from throughout the community.  Citizen Planning Committees in conjunction with the Planning Commission, EDC and County Staff worked with the planning consulting firm in preparing the Plan.  This Plan is not a zoning ordinance but will guide future changes to the County Zoning Regulations.


As the area develops and matures, Luce County will need to update its goals and recommendations for future development and redevelopment.  It is suggested that a comprehensive plan be updated every five years in the fast growing community and every 10 years for slower growth areas.


How to Use this Plan

The Luce County Comprehensive Plan is broken into two parts.  Part I - Community Profile, includes eight sections.  These sections focus on current community statistics and trends including physical and social features, community facilities and existing land use. Part II and Implementation has five sections, which discuss the community vision and goals for the future and sets forth specific land use needs.


This Plan is to be used as a guide for future decisions by the Planning Commission, County Board, Village Officials, business people, residents, nonprofit organizations and developers.  The governmental boards and staff should be familiar with the goals and objectives defined in Section 11, and the details fo the future land use proposals in Section 12.  They should also develop and follow a "reasonable" work program, using the Implementation Program Schedule, Section 13, to identify the particular actions that are deemed of highest priority for the given budget year.


Non-governmental groups or individuals also should be knowledgeable of the contents of the Plan.  Businesses, in particular, should attempt to make decisions about capital investment and future development based upon the guidelines of the Plan.  It is important for the welfare of the County, however, that businesses, private individuals and groups provide constructive feedback to the Planning Commission on issues of development.  This communication will assist Luce County in assessing the current needs of the Community.


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