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Freedom of Information Act Policy






Effective: February 17, 2015



NOTE: This schedule does not apply to public records prepared by the County Departments or Offices under an act or statute authorizing the sale of those public records to the public or to fees that have been established and approved as part of the County Department or Office's operating revenue.


Type of Reproduction                                                                                                                Cost                                          Unit

Copies of a Document on 8 1/2" X11"  or 8 1/2" x 14" will not exceed                                    .10                                    Per page

Postage charges                                                                                                                  Actual                                Per mailing  

Other costs (disks, slides, tapes, sticks, etc.)                                                                       Actual                                Per item



The first $20.00 of the fee shall be waived for each request of an individual who submits and "Affidavit of lndigency" stating that they are receiving public assistance or facts showing inability to pay the full cost.


A waiver of fees will not be provided to an indigent person requesting additional copies of identical documents previously provided with a waiver of fees pursuant to a prior request under FOIA.



If the fee for the search and providing the public information exceeds $50.00.  The county will require a deposit of 50% of the total estimated fee.



All labor costs will be estiimated and charged in 15 minute increments with all partial time increments rounded down.
Fees must be paid in full prior to the actual delivery of the public information or copies.The County department or office cannot refuse to process a subsequent FOIA request on the grounds that the requestor failed to pay fees charged for a prior request.

  1. Hourly wage of the lowest paid departmental employee capable of retrieving the information necessary to comply with the request.

       Labor costs will also include a charge to cover or partially cover the cost of fringe benefits.


Under "unusual circumstances", issue a notice extending for not more than 10 business days the period during which the public body shall respond to the request. The public body is not permitted to issue more than one notice of extension for a particular request. "Unusual circumstances" is defined as the need to search for, collect or examine or review a voluminous amount of separate and distinct public records pursuant to a single request; and secondly, the need to collect the requested public records from numerous offices, facilities or other establishments which are located apart from the particular office receiving or processing the request.

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